To our beneficiaries, supporters clients, friends and families:

Africa Foundation, Inc. Is a life changer- And you can be too – together we achieve more – Helping the less fortunate whenever possible – 

With gratitude to the Rev Dr. Kefa F. Sempangi and Family


We are rebranding Africa Foundation, Inc. (Charitable foundation) and embarking on a new era while maintaining the values that have enabled us to serve and exist during all this time. We have been there for our communities for more than 50 years and we hope to grow in recognizing and celebrating the efforts of those who we support to aspire to reach the heights of their chose speciality in the field in 50 full years of its existence.

The Foundation reviewed its vision and Re-launch was birthed to continue to providing services for some of the highest profiled child support.

Africa foundation, Inc. need capital to service a critical mass of clients who are in desperate need of its services, –Our Fundraising Relaunch Challenge-will provide us with the revenue to services clients at no cost.

From this point the website has been kept as it was last published in order to provide information on our previous projects and share the experience we gained in the last 50 years. As much of our work is funded privately we feel it is only right and fair we honour the effort and achievements this community of local people managed to make up to this time.

What started small has gradually blossomed into a big voluntary big family. Fifty years (50+) ago, in 1971, the journey that began in a small four bedroom on the pavement of Kampala Road (Kijomanyi Children’s Home of Kampala) opened its doors with 35 destitute children with shelter, food, clothing, and school fees for first children of the fugitive woman has blossomed and exploded into a big movement for thousands of boys and girls with beneficiaries and alumni residing in more than 30+ countries.

Our intentions are bold, our impact has been felt and the changes are tangible. Given the current political, social and economic situations we continue to partner with our local communities. It’s Africa foundation Inc’s historical promise to our clients-beneficiaries’, aligned partners –stakeholders and funder-supporters. And it’s an aspiration for everyone working at and or involved with Africa foundation Inc.


We are part of a movement infused with rich history and fresh vision. Africa foundation Inc, It stretches wide and deep but does not touch every corner. Not yet.

Africa foundation Inc was born of an idea –is for student to acquire the necessary skills and come back with a mission to help build a new country -–we are assisting them towards creating a better future.

We empower a collective of purposeful project service delivery, driven to create positive impacts in our respective community fields and make a meaningful difference to the world we call home.

For Social Economic – Education and The Fight Against Poverty

Fifty years (50+) ago, since 1971, we have devoted ourselves to promoting child and youth development.


We design systems, create projects, host spaces and bring people together.


We want to find solutions that help people practically in the short term while creating systems to support people for the long term.


We Identify and Support Innovative Solutions against Poverty


Strategic support for transformative programs

  • Research
  • Mobilisation for innovative solutions


We provide various kinds of support for individuals and institutions active in social economic- education, and we also operate our own programs to fight against poverty.


With the complex social economic changes taking place in the world today, education is becoming increasingly important for success in life. Through our activities, we identify important issues and societal needs and work with our partners to find innovative ways to facilitate social economic change and produce lasting impacts.


We will continue to provide a wide range of impactful activities program that enrich and education the diverse population of our communities to instill into enhancing our local economic vitality.


We will continue to draw on experts both within the foundation and in our affiliate network.

About the Foundation

(Purposes & Objectives)



Moto: “Sowing Seeds for Social Economic and Spiritual Renew”

We are { caregivers } { helpers} { listeners} { hope}{ coaches}{ confidants}{ bath-givers}{ tour guides}{ freedom}{ personal chiefs}{ good friends}

Africa foundation, Inc. (charitable foundation)’s power lies in its institutional, as well as its emotional, infrastructure. Members share huge determination and resilience against a background of rural, urban poverty and marginalisation. This is why our Alumni members are deeply committed to ‘plowing back’ the benefits of their education into our disadvantaged communities to help overcome today’s challenges.

Our Alumni and Founder’s day marks the culmination, commemoration, and celebration of the academic, business and personal life journeys of our beneficiaries (past and current). It’s a special opportunity for all of our “Community Big Family” coming together as one, celebrate each other’s accomplishments, reflect on our experiences, challenges and envision the next phase of our story.

Africa Foundation, Inc.’s community commitment stretches back in time to our origins in 1971. Since then, our contributions and sponsorship programs now cast a wide footprint across many regions.  With the establishment of Africa Foundation, 1971, our promise to engage has a 21st century framework for community reinvestment.

Support: Your contribution to us Africa foundation Inc is a gift to everyone in our community


Africa Foundation, Inc. is proud to partner with and support like-minded agencies that operates within our chosen focus areas of Economic-Social-Advancement, Education, Health and Vulnerability Programmes. Together with these partners, we remain committed to transforming lives and Be Connectors of Impactful Positive Change by making a profound and lasting positive impact on our local communities.

The common purposes of connecting the community of means (corporates with CSI policies) with vulnerable communities (community of needs), through linking donors with the right community projects.  We have helped provide financial and in-kind support to many social upliftment and poverty alleviation projects, which addresses basic needs, education & training and job creation.

‘We will always be part of Africa Foundation Inc, and it will always remain part of us’